It's Still Quarantine? More Books For Survival
My husband and I were talking about Anne Frank's quarantine situation the other evening. Cramped quarters, the constant fear of discovery, and no Facetime, Zoom, trips to the grocery store ––it was a good perspective shift for me. I keep reminding myself of all the tenacious people throughout history who rose above difficult circumstances. I want to read about the '"overcomers" and achievers more than ever. So, here's a list of books with historical fiction and biographies included for every age group. PICTURE BOOKS The Meet the Artist series (books on Henri Mattise, Pablo Picasso, Leondard Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, to name a few). These are some of the COOLEST non-fiction books I've ever read to my kids. Each page is unique, featuring flaps, cutouts, and pulls tabs to engage kids of all ages as they read about each artist's life and career. I glean so many good tidbits from each artist's story. Truly, this serie...